Hagelgans, William:


William C Hagelgans born 02/06/1882 was first married to Mary E Williams April 10, 1909, this marriage produced four children: William, Walton Kenneth, Pearl Heien, & Kathryn (or Katherine) Mary died Jan 2, 1915 and was buried in St. Joseph Cty, Lakeside Cemetary Colon MI ... William, Walton & Pearl were placed in an orphange in Grand Rapids MI, Kathryn (not sure if she was in orphange) was adopted by a family named Klopfenstien, Burr Oak, Michigan. William was taken in and raised by a Froh Family, living in Grand Rapids/Muskegon area thru adulthood. Walton & Pearl (Heien) were raised by Frederick & Emma Hagelgans (William's brother) William C. then married Addie M. Carter, they had Carl, Tom, Nellie, Flossie & Max... Max died äs a child, his body is laid to rest in the Lakeside Cemetary, Colon Michigan, next to Mary Williams Hagelgans (Ist wife). William and Addie eventually moved to Tennessee(Marysville). Any information on either William, Mary or Addie would be appreciated.


Quelle: Ancestry.com Message boards